
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Social Media For Business (21) - Top 5 Smart Guest Blogging Tactics

In a previous article, I discussed proven tips to get your guest blog posted on popular blogs.

Let's say you did it! You got your guest blog published on a high-traffic blog. What's next? Many bloggers stop right there and expect massive traffic to "pour" right into their personal blogs.

That's a huge mistake! There are 5 steps you must take in order to make the most out of your guest blogging experience...

1. Life-guard Your Newly Born Child! Be There...

Here's the deal: if you're too busy to respond to your guest blog comments intelligently and promptly, I would say don't bather guest blogging at the first place.

You didn't guest post on a popular blog for no reason; you want to get traffic to your own blog. So, once your guest post is published, the least you can do is to check it out for comments at least twice a day. And please take your time to read them carefully and respond appropriately.

2. Brag Your Spot on The Lime Light! Share Share Share...

Go ahead and tweet about your guest post. (Feel free to tweet many times but don't overdo it and make sure to diversify the content of each tweet to grab attention. However, the one thing I would say you should always repeat is the name of your popular host blog)

In addition to Twitter, leverage all the social sharing tools out there, including Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon and so forth.

Also, your Facebook page, personal blog and newsletter are great places to share your guest blogging victory.

3. Network and Build Relationships

Smart Guest bloggers don't settle for just responding to their readers' comments; they take things further and visit their personal blogs alongside other social hangouts. How about following them on Twitter and sending them a private "thank you for taking the time comment on my post" message? This could be the beginning of a fruitful relationship.

If you received too many comments, which can most definitely happen if the blog is so popular, I would say be selective in choosing the commenters that you will want to "pamper" and shower with your attention.

4. Magnify on Your Success! Keep Your Goodies Coming

If your guest post received rave reviews, go ahead and submit another equally outstanding post to the same host blog (after 3 weeks or so) and keep them coming. The host blog will be thrilled to get more of your "goodies". Now that you find your playground, shine like a pro and claim the coach seat.

5. We Live We Learn! Get Your Analytical Juices Flowing...

In order to make the most out of your guest blogging, you most perceive it as a learning experience. Get analytical and see how far you succeeded in meeting your guest blogging goals. Did the host blog bring you the expected amount of traffic, comments, feed count...etc.?

If you felt unhappy with the outcome, rethink the whole process and figure out what went wrong. This way, you will ensure to achieve better results in future attempts. Enjoy blogging!

View the original article here


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