
Friday, March 4, 2011

FarmVille Comment Box Love It or Hate It Farmville Has A Comment Box

Farmville comment box arrived in the Farmville game in March and for some people there is a love hate relationship with this new feature. Find out some of the funny but real reasons people hate the comment box and why there are some benefits that should not be ignored.
Before the comment box arrived, we could communicate with other members by posting a sign. Sign posts are still available, but the comment box is designed to give us more options – perhaps too many.

FarmVille Comment Box | What Is It All About 

Just in case you missed it, your comment box is located on the upper right corner of your Farmville screen.  When you click on it, you will see two tabs.
  1. Comments : Displays messages you or your visitors have posted for you
  2. Visits : Tells you which neighbors completed various tasks on your farm
 To post a message, type your note into the box above the comments and visits tab.
You can then either post the message to your comment box or as a sign post on your farm.
You do the same when you visit your neighbor’s farm except you also get the option for the comment to appear on their Facebook profile.

FarmVille Comment Boxes – Why do people hate them? 

I have heard from a lot people complaining about the new FarmVille comment box and have listed some of the top reasons (sorry but I found some to be a little funny)
  • The comment box is way too big 
  • It is ugly 
  • How do I delete the comment box
  • Lack of Privacy: You can see posts made by other people on your friends’ farms, and they can read yours 
  • They miss the fun of leaving little messages on sign posts scattered around their farms 
  • Their ex girlfriend/boyfriend now can see that they visited their farm – whoops!
  • How do I delete a comment on a neighbors box (see above)
  • Do not like the idea that their neighbors now know that they visited but did not fertilize
  • The visitors and comment bubbles take up space and are annoying
  • Refuse to sign up for emails to get rid of bubbles because Zynga will know too much about them (ummm you are on Facebook dude!)
Well, I do agree with most of the complaints about the comment box. After all, it is big and there is now a sense of guilt when I pop in to see one of my neighbor’s farms and do not have time to do anything for them.

FarmVille Comment Box – Reasons To Maybe Love And Even Benefit From Them 

  • You will know who has fertilized or fed your chickens, or who has sent you a gift.
  • (Ok, you already know who sent gifts from your acceptance page – but now you will not forget!)
  • You know who visited your farm (yep even your ex girlfriend) in the form of a pop-up telling you Sara fed your chickens.
  • If you had several visitors in your absence, it may only state that Sara and five others have fed your chickens.
  • You will know who visited your farm and did nothing.
  • Now you know which neighbors to visit and return the favor.
Chat, chat, chat – of course, you could just chat away with your friends and neighbors, ask for gifts, discuss FarmVille tasks, post a message on your friend’s profile or to make it exciting for others you could fight with your ex.
If you have taken a break from Farmville and joined the real world for a short break, you can use your comment box to catch up on everything that had been happening while you were gone.
For me the best part is being able to see which neighbors did tasks for me. I can then visit them first and do a few daily tasks without wasting time on the ones that never help me.
Of, course you could use the new guilt feeling to your advantage by fertilizing the crops of a non helpful neighbor and see if shames them into helping you in return.

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