Content marketing is important, we all know that. The content you produce for syndication has to be top notch if you want to create some buzz and get attention but is there ever enough time in the day to put that content together?
It can be extremely time consuming to sit down and produce an article from scratch, especially if you're not sure what you want to write about but there is a light at the end of the time - you don't need to spend an hour or more getting content together for a content marketing strategy.
Here are some tips that I use to produce content quickly when I need it most, and keep things flowing within my schedule.
? Begin with a list of varying concepts or topics that you'd like to cover. It can help to do this the old fashioned way with a pen and paper - the blinking cursor can be a brain drain.
? As you generate lists of article ideas, let the concept of the article stew and churn in your brain for a day or two. This doesn't count toward the 30 minutes or less, you're prepping at this point, which you have to do because this is the first time you're trying this technique. Rough out some topic ideas and walk away if you need to. Ideas come frequently once you start thinking about them.
? Don't be afraid to give up some of the topic points in order to get an article moving. You may have listed article topics and points that seem relevant but you don't have to include everything.
? Don't save ideas. Don't feel like you need to put a particularly good article away and save it for that time when you need a secret weapon. Once you start writing regularly and pushing a lot of quality content in your content marketing then you won't have any issues coming up with new content later.
? Always have some tricks to get you past writers block. Go for a walk, do some free-form writing, clean something for a few minutes, wash your face, blow up some people in multiplayer Call of Duty - whatever you fancy. Want to simplify it? Give yourself a daily deadline for your work. Set yourself a time to get things done and run with it.
? Some of the best articles I've produced were written partially, revisited a few times and then finished. The total time spent on the piece was under 30 minutes but it was broken into multiple sessions of a few minutes here and a few minutes there. If your ideas are flowing particularly well then you don't need to do the back and forth but this is also a great way to work on multiple articles at the same time.
? Use bullet points and sub headers. Not only do these work well in helping readers get through an article but they also make it easy for you to stay on track while writing the article out. This post is a perfect example of how you can structure an article or blog post with bullet points.
If you put these concepts together, when you sit down to create an article you should have a quick reference outline of the topic and the points you want to hit on. Put in some best practices methods such as the bullet points and sub headers and you'll be amazed at how quickly you can turn out articles for your content marketing strategy.
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Derek Cromwell is a professional freelance copywriter and owner of Thunder Bay Media, a company that provides content marketing & SEO copywriting solutions for businesses ready to improve their online presence.
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